
Garage Lecoutour - Citroën

  1. Homepage
  2. Cavalaire practical information
  3. Transport

Choose the ZOU 83 bus connections in the Var area

The Var region provides an effective and affordable public transit service: 2.10 euro per trip to link all the towns and villages in the Var area! So, do not hesitate to consult the online timetables or check them out at the Tourist Office.

Consult the ZOU 83 timetables: Click here

(copie 1)

©ZOU 83

How to park in Cavalaire

Location map and car park prices in Cavalaire

Get around in Cavalaire by free shuttle

In high season, you can choose simplicity and sustainable development with the free shuttle provided by the town for your trips in Cavalaire.

Download timetables and map: click here

You can download the application called "Pysae" on your mobile phone to see in real time the free shuttle location.

© FB Scotto

Prepare your trips with the help of a professional

Garage Lecoutour - Citroën

Prendre contact Address
Rue Rouget de l'Isle
83240 Cavalaire-sur-Mer

Phone number :
04 94 64 05 30

Dates :

Opening all year round.

  • Garage Lecoutour - Citroën