
How to reach Cavalaire

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  2. Cavalaire practical information
  3. How to reach Cavalaire

Cavalaire sur Mer is located half way between Marseille and Nice (120 km)

Cavalaire sur Mer is equidistant from Hyères and Saint-Raphaël (40 km), and from Le Lavandou and Saint-Tropez (18 km).

GPS (Tourist Office of Cavalaire sur Mer)

 N. 43.172889 - E.6.532991



By bus

Bus network ZOU 83: regular connections to Toulon, St Tropez, Ste Maxime and St Raphaël.

Information and bookings on the website or by telephone or 0 809 400 013 (everyday from 7am to 8pm, price of a local call).

©ZOU 83

By bicycle

The Six-Fours/ST. Raphaël (V65 of the National Plan for Cycle Routes and Greenways) allows you to cover most of the Var coastline by the coast or inland, following the route of the old Provence railway line and passing through 20 communes.

If you would like to see the whole cycle route or Cavalaire in particular: click here

You'll also find a map of cycle racks in Cavalaire


 If you would like to visit an Accueil Vélo establishment: consult the list.

To find Accueil Vélo accommodation around Cavalaire: click here

To see the Accueil Vélo rental and repair outlets around Cavalaire: click here

By car

Motorway A8 "La Provençale" Exit : 
- Le Cannet des Maures/ Le Luc : D 558 - La Garde-Freinet, carrefour de la Foux, Cavalaire : D 559
- Le Muy/Ste Maxime : D 25, Ste Maxime, Carrefour de la Foux : N 98, Cavalaire : D 559

 Think about carpooling :

By plane

SAINT-TROPEZ - LA MOLE international aerodrome: Tel. : 00 33 (0)4 94 54 76 40
TOULON – HYERES airport: Tel: 0 825 018 387 -
NICE International airport: Tel: 0 820 423 333 -
MARSEILLE International aiport: Tel: 00 33 (0)4 42 14 14 14 -

By train

Train station (SNCF) in Toulon, Hyères and St-Raphaël. For further information:

Tel: 36 35 -

By helicopter

Grimaud Heliport:  Tel: 00 33 (0)4 94 55 59 99 ou 04 94 43 39 30

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